Here at My Backyard Wedding, we believe that beautiful spaces should be shared.
Interested in listing your backyard space and becoming a MBW host? Fill out the form below to get started!
Frequently asked questions
What does is cost me to become a host?
Nothing! Becoming a MBW host and listing your space on our platforms is free. There are no membership fees nor hidden charges. We only take a small service fee once an event happens successfully to maintain our platforms and team, market your listing, provide helpful resources to hosts and customers alike, etc.
Do I have to allow guests into my home?
Whether you decide to allow use of your home is completely up to you! Most of our hosts allow basement access, limited access for the bride, groom & immediate family, or at least access to an indoor bathroom, but if there's an area of your home you want guests to stay out of, you can make that clear in your listing.
What about liability?
Similar to Airbnb, Peerspace, or Swimply, we offer homeowners peace of mind by providing a policy to mitigate liability or property damage. We also encourage hosts to check their own homeowner's policy and city ordinances in regards to hosting.
What is my responsibility as a host?
The main responsibility as a host is maintaining your already stunning backyard so it looks presentable and ready for a wedding. We want guests to enjoy the space as much as you, so things such as mowing the lawn, basic weeding, and other yard-work you probably already plan to do will surely help achieve this goal!
How do I know if my backyard is "wedding-worthy?"
Whether your property is large and landscaped or intimate and just barely sprouting roots, your backyard venue could be just the thing someone is looking for! We've seen all types of backyard venues have success, no matter what stage the yard might be in.
Do I have to be present during the wedding?
While it's not required, we highly encourage our hosts to be present during any event hosted in their backyard.
Who takes care of the garbage?
As a homeowner you decide! If taking out the garbage doesn't bother you, it might be beneficial to add that as an 'amenitiy' for your backyard venue. If it's a chore you'd prefer to avoid, we'll make sure the couple designates someone to take care of the garbage.
How do I price my yard?
While pricing is ultimately up to you, we can recommend a price point for your yard based off of other venues with similar features, size, location, etc. Keep in mind that backyard venues don't often offer the same amenities as traditional venues so be sure to reflect that in your pricing.
© 2024. My Backyard Wedding, LLC, all rights reserved.